Helping resolve title deed problems through formal, legal channels
The Primary Transfer Toolkit, with its two components, a Land / Legal toolkit and Beneficiary Administration Toolkit, provides municipalities and housing authorities with a comprehensive knowledge base and best practices overview to reduce the title deed backlog. The toolkits are intended to be “living documents” that will be adjusted as the policies, guidelines, capabilities, processes and technologies that support the primary transfer process mature.
The Land and Planning Regularisation Toolkit, prepared by GeoAfrika with funding from the IFC supported by Seco and the World Bank group, guides municipalities through the various legal processes required to open a township register for the project.
Beneficiary Administration and Transfer Toolkit, prepared by 71point4 Consulting and the Tenure Support Centre (TSC) team, guides housing authorities – municipalities and provinces – through the determination of the rightful owner and the subsequent property transfer process in projects where primary transfer has not yet occurred. The contents of the Toolkit are based on the TSC’s experience of assisting with the primary transfer process of 780 properties in Makhaza, Khayelitsha. The TSC worked closely with Stefan Grobler and Coenraad Calitz of the Tenure Administration and Transfers department in the City of Cape Town’s Human Settlements Directorate. Funding to prepare the toolkit was provided by a grant from National Treasury’s Cities Support Programme to GTAC.
The TSC hosted a series of short, practical webinars to discuss common case types that emerge during the primary transfer of state-subsidised housing (‘RDP houses’) to beneficiaries and how best to resolve them. This learning series forms part of the Beneficiary Administration & Primary Transfer Toolkit developed by the TSC in collaboration with the City of Cape Town’s Tenure Administration and Transfers Programme. The lessons captured in the Toolkit are based on the direct experience of the TSC in dealing with the primary transfer process for 780 properties in Makhaza, Khayelitsha.
Through this learning series we hope to help housing authorities and municipal officials better understand the primary transfer process and the legal processes that underpin it.
The recordings from the first two learning series are available to be viewed below.
Learning series #1: Deceased estates in primary transfer cases
Learning series #2: Informal sales in primary transfer cases